What the Employment Rights Bill means for British workers and employers
The proposed changes represent the greatest shift in employment legislation in decades, and working through the detail will take time. How and when changes are introduced will have to be carefully managed, supported and communicated.

There are many measures in the Bill .For example, proposals to strengthen Statutory Sick Pay, improve bereavement leave and to further boost the provision of flexible working.

But some elements of the bill have raised important questions that need to be clarified. For example, if the unfair dismissal qualifying period is to be replaced with a new statutory probationary period, it will be important that new probationary rules are simple for employers to implement and don’t increase the cost and risk of hiring and managing new staff.
It’s a lot for businesses to absorb, and smaller businesses that don’t have dedicated HR support will particularly need time and support to work through the changes, to ensure the right outcomes for individuals and for business.